1M2030 Story #6: Equitable Healthcare and More - By Jahin Tanvir
Hi, my name is Jahin Tanvir and I am one in a million. This is my cause.
I am a speaker, writer, student, policy adviser and youth advocate with key aspirations residing in providing equitable healthcare, meaningful youth advocacy and health research.
With a penchant of being multifaceted, I am someone who firmly believes in the notion that action speaks louder than words.
Too often we see people go on and on about what they want to achieve and attain their definition of “success” – yet, when it’s time to act and create they aren’t productively putting in the effort required to reach those goals. I want to foster a culture of action-oriented work where we talk less about what we are going to do, rather focussing maximum attention on how we will reach there.
My leadership style has always been to lead by example. Whether that be in school, university or my professional career, I thrive on the ability to take accountability. So, when I look at these young people motivated to make the world a better place but feeling unheard, I realize that I have a deeper responsibility to speak up for them.
Whether it be through giving a speech in parliament or being invited as a guest speaker, my natural tendency is to ask myself first and foremost – how can I shine a light on the struggles of these people so that the next generation don’t have to face it. This allows me to be bring two crucial elements that I always fall back on and that is resilience and empathy. The times when I’m knee deep with deadlines and events, I’m able to understand what it’s like for young people around Australia who are afraid of when their next meal will be and how they’re going to pay for their rent. Even if the context is different, I force myself to bring empathy and emotional intelligence to discussions that pertain to how young people are feeling and the concerns they have.
As a first-generation migrant myself, I’ve seen what it’s like for my parents to move to a country that was diametrically opposite to what they were used to. They were very young themselves and what makes me feel disheartened is that a lot of their hardships that they faced along the way is still a pressing issue faced by many youths today.
Awareness on mental health, the transition from education to employment and health literacy are a few that need to highlighted.
It is through these experiences of the people around me do I feel like I can best emit their concerns and demands, formulating them into productive dialogue.
That is my ambition and one that I plan to dedicate myself towards in decades to come.
Disclaimer: Any views or opinions represented in these articles are personal and belong solely to the author. The content provided by these authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs and viewpoints of 1M2030, or it's affiliates.
1M2030 Stories
1M2030 Stories is a weekly feature of a young leader and their unique story.
If you think you have a compelling story to tell, we invite you to send us your article to info@1m2030.org.