1M2030 Story #4: Equal Access to Justice - By Julia Myron
Hi My name is Julia Myron and I am one in a million. And this is my story.
Growing up in Nigeria, I witnessed a great deal of injustices around me. Institutions meant to protect the citizens are being wielded as a tool for oppression.
At age 16, I decided not to remain silent about these injustices: I joined the fight against injustices and human rights violations by working as a youth organizer for Amnesty International. I believe that the justice systems are the harbingers of peace, hence I am committed to the comparative study of global justice systems, transitional justice and peace. I am very interested in empowering young people to get involved in social change as well.
I currently train youth to be activists, organizers and social change agents in their sectors and community.
I founded the initiative #weareupnext which will launch later this year to empower young people with the resources and tools they need to be change agents in their community. I believe that a great way to reduce/ eradicate corruption and institute rule of law in a society is by cultivating and training a new generation of civil servants that have respect for human rights and civil liberties.
In developing countries as a whole there is a huge lack of human rights centered education for future civil servants. There is also a lack of intergenerational collaboration on social justice issues. This is very dangerous because there is a growing population of youth in Nigeria that are not politically empowered. This initiative will provide young adults with the education that is needed to be informed voters, thought leaders, policy and legislative drafters and positive contributors to our democracy in Nigeria.
I believe that it is important to cultivate participation in civil society at a young age.
Adult Civic Participation Is Determined By Habits of participation developed during youth and has a positive correlation with education and employment.Supporting Young people to engage socially,politically and economically and creating opportunities for them to contribute to Development processes create effective policy and build a generation of engaged citizens. At The End Of The Project The Students are required to lead an action project in their communities.
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1M2030 Stories
1M2030 Stories is a weekly feature of a young leader and their unique story.
If you think you have a compelling story to tell, we invite you to send us your article to info@1m2030.org.